DLI EPCDC32 Object Model Reference
Authentication server object
Object representing the authentication server configuration

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object contains the following items:

usersUsers list
cookie_timeoutCookie timeout

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library write command:


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Users list

List of user accounts

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array represents an unordered set (order of its elements doesn't matter, and each value should not be supplied more than once).

This array contains User account elements.

Sample requests user account creation command:

requests.post('',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'password': 'Ks824{d%#ef3`', 'is_admin': False, 'name': 'dick', 'is_allowed': False, 'outlet_access': [True, True, False, True, True, False, True, True, False, True, True, False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, True]})

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "[{\"password\":\"6VJAu AWq7PQkB;\",\"is_admin\":false,\"name\":\"admin\",\"is_allowed\":true,\"outlet_access\":[true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true]},{\"password\":\"/zbyl}-q\",\"is_admin\":false,\"name\":\"tom\",\"is_allowed\":true,\"outlet_access\":[false,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,false,true,true,false,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,false,true,true,false,true,true,true,true,false,true,false,false,false]},{\"password\":\"t'.3#v'J rrL6\",\"name\":\"dick\",\"is_allowed\":false,\"outlet_access\":[true,true,true,false,false,true,true,true,false,true,false,true,false,false,false,false,false,true,false,false,true,false,false,true,false,true,true,false,true,false,false,true]},{\"password\":\"$:]F>v0GM<B>x\\\"%2\",\"is_admin\":false,\"name\":\"harry\",\"is_allowed\":true,\"outlet_access\":[false,false,false,true,false,false,true,true,true,false,true,true,false,false,true,false,false,false,true,true,false,true,false,true,false,false,true,false,false,true,false,false]}]" ""

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User account

User account configuration

Removing the object from its parent collection is denied if administrative user

This object contains the following items:

is_allowedUser allowed
is_adminAdministrative user
outlet_accessOutlet access levels

Sample JS request deletion command (note that _user_account_index is a variable):


Sample CLI deletion command (note that user_account_index is a variable):

uom remove "auth/users/${user_account_index}"

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See also User account: Username

See also User account: Password

See also User account: User allowed

See also User account: Administrative user

See also User account: Outlet access levels

User account: Username


The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Write operations must supply the current value of password if administrative user

Sample CLI read command (note that user_account_index is a variable):

uom get "auth/users/${user_account_index}/name"


Sample curl read command (note that :user_account_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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User account: Password


The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^[ -~]*$

Retrieving the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Using the string as a field for indexing into the grandparent collection is denied

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string should be displayed in a secure manner.

Write operations must supply the current value of the value if administrative user

Sample CLI read command (note that user_account_index is a variable):

uom get "auth/users/${user_account_index}/password"


Sample requests read command (note that _user_account_index is a variable):



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User account: User allowed

sum (boolean)auth/users/N/is_allowed/
Flag indicating whether user is allowed or denied

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum does not support direct modification if administrative user.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueAllowedThe user is allowed to log in
constant falseDeniedThe user is denied login

Sample uom library write command (note that _user_account_index is a variable):


Sample CLI read command (note that user_account_index is a variable):

uom get "auth/users/${user_account_index}/is_allowed"


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User account: Administrative user

sum (boolean)auth/users/N/is_admin/
Flag indicating whether the user is an administrator

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueAdministratorThe user is an administrator
constant falseRegular userThe user is a regular user

Sample curl read command (note that :user_account_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library read command (note that _user_account_index is a variable):



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User account: Outlet access levels

Access levels per outlet

The value is subject to the following constraints: length of the value is equal to length of outlets

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This array is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This array does not support direct modification if administrative user.

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Outlet access elements.

Sample requests outlet access creation command (note that _user_account_index is a variable):


Sample uom library write command (note that _user_account_index is a variable):


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Outlet access

sum (boolean)auth/users/N/outlet_access/N/
Access level for outlet by index

The value is subject to the following constraints: outlets[index of the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification if administrative user.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueFullOutlet state can be manipulated by the user
constant falseNoneOutlet state cannot be neither seen nor manipulated by the user

Sample requests read command (note that _user_account_index and _outlet_access_index are variables):



Sample uom library deletion command (note that _user_account_index and _outlet_access_index are variables):

local composite=uom.copy(uom.auth.users[_user_account_index].outlet_access)

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Client accounts allowed scope-limited token-based access

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Client elements.

Sample uom library client creation command:


Sample CLI read command:

uom get "auth/clients"


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API client properties

This object contains the following items:

secret_hashSecret hash, if any
redirect_urlsRedirect URL set
scopesScope set
refresh_tokensRefresh tokens
access_tokensAccess tokens

Sample CLI deletion command (note that client is a variable):

uom remove "auth/clients/${client}"

Sample curl read command (note that :client is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

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See also Client: Name

See also Client: Secret hash, if any

See also Client: Redirect URL set

See also Client: Scope set

See also Client: Refresh tokens

See also Client: Access tokens

Client: Name

User-visible name of the client

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _client is a variable):



Sample CLI write command (note that client is a variable):

uom set "auth/clients/${client}/name" "[]"

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Client: Secret hash, if any

sum (optional string)auth/clients/S/secret_hash/
Hash of the client secret in an implementation-defined format, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneThe client does not have a secret to authenticate itself
stringSecret hashHash of the client secret in an implementation-defined format

Sample requests read command (note that _client is a variable):



Sample curl read command (note that :client is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Client: Redirect URL set

Set of URLs permitted to receive redirection on successful login

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Allowed elements.

Sample JS request read command (note that _client is a variable):

request.get({url:"auth/clients/"+_client+"/redirect_urls/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample uom library write command (note that _client is a variable):


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constant trueauth/clients/S/redirect_urls/S/
The given URL is allowed to receive redirection on successful login

Sample uom library deletion command (note that _client and _allowed are variables):


Sample CLI deletion command (note that client and allowed are variables):

uom remove "auth/clients/${client}/redirect_urls/${allowed}"

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Client: Scope set

Set of scopes that the authenticated client is authorized to access

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Authorized elements.

Sample CLI authorized creation command (note that client is a variable):

uom insert "auth/clients/${client}/scopes/dli+object+read:/script/" "true"

Sample CLI write command (note that client is a variable):

uom set "auth/clients/${client}/scopes" "{\"dli+object+read:/script/start/\":true,\"dli+object+read:/config/\":true}"

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constant trueauth/clients/S/scopes/S/
The client is authorized to access the given scope

Sample requests read command (note that _client and _authorized are variables):



Sample uom library deletion command (note that _client and _authorized are variables):


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Client: Refresh tokens

Tokens that can be used to create access tokens

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this map cannot be tracked.

This map contains Token properties elements.

Sample uom library token properties creation command (note that _client is a variable):


Sample JS request token properties creation command (note that _client is a variable):


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Token properties

Properties of the refresh token

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object contains the following items:

expiry_timeExpiry time, if any
remaining_use_countRemaining use count, if any

Sample JS request write command (note that _client and _token_properties are variables):


Sample CLI read command (note that client and token_properties are variables):

uom get "auth/clients/${client}/refresh_tokens/${token_properties}"


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Expiry time, if any

sum (optional number)auth/clients/S/refresh_tokens/S/expiry_time/
The time at which the token is invalidated, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullIndefiniteThe token stays valid for an indefinite time
numberExpiry timeThe time at which the token is invalidated

Sample requests read command (note that _client and _token_properties are variables):



Sample CLI read command (note that client and token_properties are variables):

uom get "auth/clients/${client}/refresh_tokens/${token_properties}/expiry_time"


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Remaining use count, if any

sum (optional number)auth/clients/S/refresh_tokens/S/remaining_use_count/
The number of times the token can be used before it is is invalidated, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this sum cannot be tracked.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullIndefiniteThe token may be used any number of times
numberRemaining use countThe number of times the token can be used before it is is invalidated

all of the following is true:

Sample uom library read command (note that _client and _token_properties are variables):



Sample curl read command (note that :client and :token_properties are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Client: Access tokens

Tokens that can be used to access the scopes

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this map cannot be tracked.

This map contains Token properties elements.

Sample JS request read command (note that _client is a variable):

request.get({url:"auth/clients/"+_client+"/access_tokens/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample curl write command (note that :client is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"c6286cc59fe399d56ab24b864ae7b547\":{\"expiry_time\":null,\"remaining_use_count\":98},\"2b7cb605fda6868c1136b2d672d39d5c\":{\"expiry_time\":null,\"remaining_use_count\":null}}" ""

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Token properties

Properties of the access token

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object contains the following items:

expiry_timeExpiry time, if any
remaining_use_countRemaining use count, if any

Sample CLI read command (note that client and token_properties are variables):

uom get "auth/clients/${client}/access_tokens/${token_properties}"


Sample JS request write command (note that _client and _token_properties are variables):


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Expiry time, if any

sum (optional number)auth/clients/S/access_tokens/S/expiry_time/
The time at which the token is invalidated, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullIndefiniteThe token stays valid for an indefinite time
numberExpiry timeThe time at which the token is invalidated

Sample requests read command (note that _client and _token_properties are variables):



Sample JS request write command (note that _client and _token_properties are variables):


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Remaining use count, if any

sum (optional number)auth/clients/S/access_tokens/S/remaining_use_count/
The number of times the token can be used before it is is invalidated, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this sum cannot be tracked.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullIndefiniteThe token may be used any number of times
numberRemaining use countThe number of times the token can be used before it is is invalidated

all of the following is true:

Sample curl write command (note that :client and :token_properties are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Sample CLI write command (note that client and token_properties are variables):

uom set "auth/clients/${client}/access_tokens/${token_properties}/remaining_use_count" "null"

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The realm to be announced in authentication responses

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command:



Sample JS request write command:


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Cookie timeout

The amount of time for which a cookie is valid

The value represents time, the standard unit of which is the second (s).

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value is greater than 0

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "auth/cookie_timeout"


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "30000" ""

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Authentication-related notifications

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object does not support direct modification.

This object contains the following items:

parameter_kindsParameter kinds

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library read command:



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See also Notifications: Parameter kinds


Event templates

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map contains Event elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"auth/notifications/events/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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See also Events: Event

Notifications: Parameter kinds

Kinds of event parameters

This object does not correspond to an actual resource.

This object contains the following items:

auth_client_nameClient name
auth_client_idClient identifier
auth_ipIP address
auth_allowedAuthentication allowed
user_stateUser state


The name of the user

Client name

The name of the client

Client identifier

The identifier of the client

IP address

The IP address of the user

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$


The authentication method


The reason for authentication decision

Authentication allowed

sum (boolean)auth/notifications/parameter_kinds/auth_allowed/
Authentication decision result

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueAllowedThe user is allowed to log in
constant falseDeniedThe user is denied to log in

User state

sum (variant)auth/notifications/parameter_kinds/user_state/
The state of the user

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueExistingThe user exists
constant falseDeletedThe user has been deleted
constant "new"NewThe user has been created

Event parameters: Event parameter

Properties of a parameter associated with the event

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

has_fixed_valueFixed value flag
fixed_valueFixed value

Sample CLI write command (note that event and event_parameter_index are variables):

uom set "auth/notifications/events/${event}/parameters/${event_parameter_index}" "{\"fixed_value\":null,\"has_fixed_value\":false,\"id\":\"auth_ip\"}"

Sample JS request write command (note that _event and _event_parameter_index are variables):


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Parameter identifier

The value is subject to the following constraints: parameter kinds[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample requests read command (note that _event and _event_parameter_index are variables):



Sample curl read command (note that :event and :event_parameter_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Fixed value flag

sum (boolean)auth/notifications/events/S/parameters/N/has_fixed_value/
Flag indicating that the parameter's value for this event is fixed

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueFixedThe value is fixed
constant falseVariableThe value is variable

Sample JS request read command (note that _event and _event_parameter_index are variables):

request.get({url:"auth/notifications/events/"+_event+"/parameters/"+_event_parameter_index.toString()+"/has_fixed_value/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample curl read command (note that :event and :event_parameter_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Fixed value

sum (variant)auth/notifications/events/S/parameters/N/fixed_value/
Fixed parameter value for this particular event

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNullNull
constant trueTrueTrue
constant falseFalseFalse
stringStringThis string
numberNumberThis number

Sample CLI read command (note that event and event_parameter_index are variables):

uom get "auth/notifications/events/${event}/parameters/${event_parameter_index}/fixed_value"


Sample JS request read command (note that _event and _event_parameter_index are variables):

request.get({url:"auth/notifications/events/"+_event+"/parameters/"+_event_parameter_index.toString()+"/fixed_value/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Events: Event

Event template

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

message_templateMessage template
parametersEvent parameters

Sample JS request write command (note that _event is a variable):

request.put({url:"auth/notifications/events/"+_event+"/",body:{"severity":6,"message_template":["modified user ",0],"parameters":[{"fixed_value":null,"has_fixed_value":false,"id":"auth_login"},{"fixed_value":true,"has_fixed_value":true,"id":"user_state"}]}});

Sample uom library read command (note that _event is a variable):


{message_template={"created user ",0},parameters={{fixed_value=null,has_fixed_value=false,id="auth_login"},{fixed_value="new",has_fixed_value=true,id="user_state"}},severity=6}

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Message template

Template for human-readable message generation

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This array is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This array does not support direct modification.

This array contains Message template element elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample curl read command (note that :event is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

["created user ",0]

Sample requests read command (note that _event is a variable):


['deleted user ', 0]

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Message template element

sum (variant)auth/notifications/events/S/message_template/N/
Element of human-readable message template

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

stringStringFixed string
numberParameterIndex of message parameter to insertevent parameters[the value]

Sample curl read command (note that :event and :message_template_element_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

"modified user "

Sample JS request read command (note that _event and _message_template_element_index are variables):

request.get({url:"auth/notifications/events/"+_event+"/message_template/"+_message_template_element_index.toString()+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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sum (enumerated number)auth/notifications/events/S/severity/
Severity rating assigned to the event

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant 1EmergencyTreat the event as an emergency
constant 2AlertTreat the event as an alert
constant 3CriticalTreat the event as critical
constant 4ErrorTreat the event as an error
constant 5WarningTreat the event as a warning
constant 6NoticeTreat the event as a notice
constant 7InformationalTreat the event as informational
constant 8DebugTreat the event as debugging-related

Sample uom library read command (note that _event is a variable):



Sample JS request read command (note that _event is a variable):

request.get({url:"auth/notifications/events/"+_event+"/severity/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Event parameters

Additional data associated with the event

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This array is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This array does not support direct modification.

This array contains Event parameter elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample requests read command (note that _event is a variable):


[{'fixed_value': None, 'has_fixed_value': False, 'id': 'auth_login'}, {'fixed_value': None, 'has_fixed_value': False, 'id': 'auth_ip'}]

Sample CLI read command (note that event is a variable):

uom get "auth/notifications/events/${event}/parameters"


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See also Event parameters: Event parameter