DLI EPCDC32 Object Model Reference
Configuration server object
Object representing configuration server

This object contains the following items:

linksLinks list
plotsPlots list
metersMeters list
contactPrimary unit contact
contactsRelated contacts
locationUnit location
oidModel OID
versionVersion number
hardware_idHardware ID
serialSerial number
outlet_labelOutlet label
brand_company_nameBrand company name
brand_nameBrand name
brand_urlBrand URL
brand_manual_urlBrand manual URL
brand_faq_urlBrand FAQ URL
brand_product_info_urlBrand product information URL
support_emailSupport email
register_urlRegistration URL
support_urlSupport URL
update_urlUpdate URL
custom_brand_company_nameCustom brand company name, if any
custom_brand_nameCustom brand name, if any
custom_brand_urlCustom brand URL, if any
custom_brand_logoCustom brand logo URL, if any
custom_brand_logo_widthCustom brand logo width, if any
custom_brand_logo_heightCustom brand logo height, if any
custom_support_emailCustom support email, if any
custom_register_urlCustom registration URL, if any
custom_support_urlCustom support URL, if any
custom_update_urlCustom update URL, if any
custom_help_urlCustom help URL, if any
customization_statusCustomization status
registration_statusRegistration status
refresh_enabledEnable page refresh
refresh_delay_minutesPage refresh delay
image_formatPreferred image format
hostnameUnit hostname
timezoneTime zone
http_portsHTTP ports
https_portsHTTPS ports
https_certHTTPS certificate settings
certificatesCertificate collection
crlsCertificate revocation list collection
ssh_enabledSSH enabled
ssh_portSSH port number
ssh_authorized_keysSSH authorized keys
ntp_server_enabledNTP server enabled
ntp_peersNTP peers
syslog_minimal_severitySyslog threshold severity
syslog_ip_addressSyslog server address, if any
allow_jsonrpcAllow JSON-RPC
allow_jsonrpc_nonadminAllow non-administrative users to perform JSON-RPC requests
allow_restapiAllow REST-like API
allow_restapi_nonadminAllow non-administrative users to access REST-like API
allow_restapi_originsAllowed REST-like API client origins
allow_coapwsAllow CoAP over WebSockets
allow_coapws_nonadminAllow non-administrative users to access CoAP over WebSockets
allow_coapws_originsAllowed CoAP over WebSockets client origins
relax_nonhtml_methodsRelax non-HTML method CSRF checks
relax_nonhtml_content_typesRelax non-HTML content type CSRF checks
allow_plaintext_loginsAllow plaintext logins
allow_plaintext_url_loginsAllow plaintext URL logins
allow_modifying_getAllow state-changing GET requests
name_always_visibleRelay name visibility
hide_passwordsHide user passwords
hide_wifi_keyHide WiFi key
lockout_delay_minutesSecurity lockout duration
protect_firmwareProtect firmware
protect_adminProtect admin login
protect_networkProtect network settings
protect_private_configProtect private settings
protect_restoreProtect from restore
protect_maintenanceProtect from maintenance
protect_notificationProtect notification settings
upgrade_notify_beepBeep on upgrade
upgrade_notify_blinkBlink on upgrade
known_quantitiesKnown quantities
known_timezonesKnown timezones
known_protection_bitsKnown protection bits
relay_portsRelay ports

Sample CLI read command:

uom get config


Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Links list

List of user-defined links to display in the web UI

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Link elements.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/links"

[{"description":"test 5","href":"test_url7"},{"description":"test 3","href":"test_url5"}]

Sample JS request link creation command:

request.post({url:"config/links/",body:{"description":"test 5","href":"test_url7"}});

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See also Links list: Link

Links list: Link

User-defined link

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:


Sample uom library write command (note that _link_index is a variable):

uom.config.links[_link_index]={description="test 3",href="test_url5"}

Sample curl write command (note that :link_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"description\":\"test 3\",\"href\":\"test_url5\"}" ""

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The target URI of the link

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _link_index is a variable):


Sample requests write command (note that _link_index is a variable):


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The textual representation of the link

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _link_index is a variable):


'test 3'

Sample JS request read command (note that _link_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/links/"+_link_index.toString()+"/description/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"test 5"

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Plots list

List of plots to display in the web UI

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Plot elements.

Sample requests plot creation command:

requests.post('',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'x2': {'min': None, 'softmax': None, 'max': None, 'tics': None, 'mtics': None, 'softmin': None}, 'y2': {'min': None, 'softmax': None, 'max': None, 'tics': None, 'mtics': None, 'softmin': None}, 'data': [{'ds': 'buses.0.current', 'style': {'type': 'solid', 'style': 'lines', 'width': 1, 'color': 'FF0000', 'axes': 'x1y1', 'marker': 'plus', 'size': 0}, 'title': 'Bus A current'}, {'ds': 'buses.1.current', 'style': {'type': 'solid', 'style': 'lines', 'width': 1, 'color': '0000FF', 'axes': 'x1y1', 'marker': 'plus', 'size': 0}, 'title': 'Bus B current'}], 'width': 640, 'title': 'Bus currents', 'display': False, 'y1': {'min': 0, 'softmax': 1, 'max': None, 'tics': None, 'mtics': None, 'softmin': None}, 'x1': {'min': None, 'softmax': None, 'max': None, 'tics': None, 'mtics': None, 'softmin': None}, 'height': 480})

Sample requests write command:


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Configuration of plot for measured values

This object contains the following items:

x1X1 axis settings
x2X2 axis settings
y1Y1 axis settings
y2Y2 axis settings
dataPlot lines

Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

Sample JS request write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.put({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/",body:{"x2":{"min":null,"softmax":null,"max":null,"tics":null,"mtics":null,"softmin":null},"y2":{"min":0,"softmax":1,"max":null,"tics":null,"mtics":null,"softmin":null},"data":[{"ds":"buses.0.voltage","style":{"type":"solid","style":"lines","width":1,"color":"FF0000","axes":"x1y1","marker":"plus","size":0},"title":"Bus A voltage"},{"ds":"buses.0.current","style":{"type":"solid","style":"lines","width":1,"color":"0000FF","axes":"x1y2","marker":"plus","size":0},"title":"Bus A current"}],"width":640,"title":"Bus A status","display":true,"y1":{"min":0,"softmax":110,"max":null,"tics":null,"mtics":null,"softmin":null},"x1":{"min":null,"softmax":null,"max":null,"tics":null,"mtics":null,"softmin":null},"height":480}});

Browse more samples

See also Plot: Title

See also Plot: Display

See also Plot: Width

See also Plot: Height

See also Plot: X1 axis settings

See also Plot: X2 axis settings

See also Plot: Y1 axis settings

See also Plot: Y2 axis settings

See also Plot: Plot lines

Plot: Title

The title of the plot

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


'Bus A status'

Sample requests write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

requests.put(''+str(_plot_index)+'/title/',auth=auth,headers=headers,json='Bus voltages')

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Plot: Display

sum (boolean)config/plots/N/display/
Indicates whether the plot should be displayed

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueShownThe plot is shown
constant falseHiddenThe plot is hidden

Sample CLI read command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom get "config/plots/${plot_index}/display"


Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/display" "true"

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Plot: Width

The width of the plot

The value represents screen length, the standard unit of which is the pixel (px).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom get "config/plots/${plot_index}/width"


Sample requests write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


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Plot: Height

The height of the plot

The value represents screen length, the standard unit of which is the pixel (px).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom get "config/plots/${plot_index}/height"


Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/height/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Plot: X1 axis settings

Configuration for X1 axis

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

minMinimum, if any
maxMaximum, if any
softminSoft minimum, if any
softmaxSoft maximum, if any
ticsMajor tick interval, if any
mticsMinor ticks per major tick, if any

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/x1/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x1/min/
Minimum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe maximum value is derived from data and the soft maximum
numberMinimumMinimum value to display on the axis

Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/x1/min" "null"

Browse more samples

Maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x1/max/
Maximum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe minimum value is derived from data and the soft minimum
numberMaximumMaximum value to display on the axis

Sample curl read command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Soft minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x1/softmin/
Minimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft maximum defined
numberSoft minimumMinimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it

Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



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Soft maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x1/softmax/
Maximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft minimum defined
numberSoft maximumMaximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it

Sample curl read command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Major tick interval, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x1/tics/
The interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe tick interval is derived from data and size
numberMajor tick intervalThe interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis

Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/x1/tics/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/x1/tics" "null"

Browse more samples

Minor ticks per major tick, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x1/mtics/
The number of minor ticks between two major ticks, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneThere are no minor ticks
numberMinor ticks per major tickThe number of minor ticks between two major ticks

all of the following is true:

Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/x1/mtics/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Plot: X2 axis settings

Configuration for X2 axis

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

minMinimum, if any
maxMaximum, if any
softminSoft minimum, if any
softmaxSoft maximum, if any
ticsMajor tick interval, if any
mticsMinor ticks per major tick, if any

Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


{'min': None, 'softmax': None, 'max': None, 'tics': None, 'mtics': None, 'softmin': None}

Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/x2" "{\"min\":null,\"softmax\":null,\"max\":null,\"tics\":null,\"mtics\":null,\"softmin\":null}"

Browse more samples

Minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x2/min/
Minimum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe maximum value is derived from data and the soft maximum
numberMinimumMinimum value to display on the axis

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x2/max/
Maximum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe minimum value is derived from data and the soft minimum
numberMaximumMaximum value to display on the axis

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/x2/max" "null"

Browse more samples

Soft minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x2/softmin/
Minimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft maximum defined
numberSoft minimumMinimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Sample CLI read command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom get "config/plots/${plot_index}/x2/softmin"


Browse more samples

Soft maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x2/softmax/
Maximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft minimum defined
numberSoft maximumMaximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Browse more samples

Major tick interval, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x2/tics/
The interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe tick interval is derived from data and size
numberMajor tick intervalThe interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Sample requests write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Minor ticks per major tick, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/x2/mtics/
The number of minor ticks between two major ticks, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneThere are no minor ticks
numberMinor ticks per major tickThe number of minor ticks between two major ticks

all of the following is true:

Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/x2/mtics/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Plot: Y1 axis settings

Configuration for Y1 axis

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

minMinimum, if any
maxMaximum, if any
softminSoft minimum, if any
softmaxSoft maximum, if any
ticsMajor tick interval, if any
mticsMinor ticks per major tick, if any

Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/y1/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample JS request write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y1/min/
Minimum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe maximum value is derived from data and the soft maximum
numberMinimumMinimum value to display on the axis

Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/y1/min" "0"

Sample JS request write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y1/max/
Maximum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe minimum value is derived from data and the soft minimum
numberMaximumMaximum value to display on the axis

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Sample requests write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Soft minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y1/softmin/
Minimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft maximum defined
numberSoft minimumMinimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Browse more samples

Soft maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y1/softmax/
Maximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft minimum defined
numberSoft maximumMaximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it

Sample requests write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Sample JS request write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Major tick interval, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y1/tics/
The interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe tick interval is derived from data and size
numberMajor tick intervalThe interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Browse more samples

Minor ticks per major tick, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y1/mtics/
The number of minor ticks between two major ticks, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneThere are no minor ticks
numberMinor ticks per major tickThe number of minor ticks between two major ticks

all of the following is true:

Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Browse more samples

Plot: Y2 axis settings

Configuration for Y2 axis

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

minMinimum, if any
maxMaximum, if any
softminSoft minimum, if any
softmaxSoft maximum, if any
ticsMajor tick interval, if any
mticsMinor ticks per major tick, if any

Sample curl read command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample requests write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

requests.put(''+str(_plot_index)+'/y2/',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'min': 0, 'softmax': 1, 'max': None, 'tics': None, 'mtics': None, 'softmin': None})

Browse more samples

Minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y2/min/
Minimum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe maximum value is derived from data and the soft maximum
numberMinimumMinimum value to display on the axis

Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/y2/min" "null"

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y2/max/
Maximum value to display on the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe minimum value is derived from data and the soft minimum
numberMaximumMaximum value to display on the axis

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):



Browse more samples

Soft minimum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y2/softmin/
Minimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft maximum defined
numberSoft minimumMinimum value to display on the axis unless values exist below it

Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/y2/softmin/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Browse more samples

Soft maximum, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y2/softmax/
Maximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo soft minimum defined
numberSoft maximumMaximum value to display on the axis unless values exist above it

Sample JS request write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Browse more samples

Major tick interval, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y2/tics/
The interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullAutomaticThe tick interval is derived from data and size
numberMajor tick intervalThe interval, in value units, between major ticks of the axis

Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/y2/tics" "null"

Sample requests write command (note that _plot_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Minor ticks per major tick, if any

sum (optional number)config/plots/N/y2/mtics/
The number of minor ticks between two major ticks, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneThere are no minor ticks
numberMinor ticks per major tickThe number of minor ticks between two major ticks

all of the following is true:

Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/y2/mtics" "null"

Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/y2/mtics/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Plot line configuration: Style

Style of the plot line

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

styleLine style
typeLine type
colorLine color
widthLine width
markerMarker type
sizeMarker size
axesBase axes

Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index and plot_line_configuration_index are variables):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/data/${plot_line_configuration_index}/style" "{\"type\":\"solid\",\"style\":\"lines\",\"width\":1,\"color\":\"FF0000\",\"axes\":\"x1y1\",\"marker\":\"plus\",\"size\":0}"

Sample JS request read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):

request.get({url:"config/plots/"+_plot_index.toString()+"/data/"+_plot_line_configuration_index.toString()+"/style/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Line style

The style of the line

The value is subject to the following constraints: plot styles[the value]

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):



Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index and :plot_line_configuration_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"lines\"" ""

Browse more samples

Line type

The type of the line

The value is subject to the following constraints: line types[the value]

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl write command (note that :plot_index and :plot_line_configuration_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"solid\"" ""

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):


Browse more samples

Line color

The color of the line

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^[0-9A-F]{6}$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):


Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):



Browse more samples

Line width

The width of the line

The value represents screen length, the standard unit of which is the pixel (px).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):


Sample CLI write command (note that plot_index and plot_line_configuration_index are variables):

uom set "config/plots/${plot_index}/data/${plot_line_configuration_index}/style/width" "1"

Browse more samples

Marker type

The type of the marker

The value is subject to the following constraints: marker types[the value]

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request write command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):


Sample CLI read command (note that plot_index and plot_line_configuration_index are variables):

uom get "config/plots/${plot_index}/data/${plot_line_configuration_index}/style/marker"


Browse more samples

Marker size

The size of the markers

The value represents screen length, the standard unit of which is the pixel (px).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command (note that plot_index and plot_line_configuration_index are variables):

uom get "config/plots/${plot_index}/data/${plot_line_configuration_index}/style/size"


Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):



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Base axes

The axes on which the line should be plotted. Units of lines plotted on the same axes must match

The value is subject to the following constraints: axes[the value]

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):



Sample curl read command (note that :plot_index and :plot_line_configuration_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Plot: Plot lines

Configurations of values to plot

This array is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This array contains Plot line configuration elements.

Sample CLI read command (note that plot_index is a variable):

uom get "config/plots/${plot_index}/data"

[{"ds":"battery_voltage","style":{"type":"solid","style":"lines","width":1,"color":"FF0000","axes":"x1y1","marker":"plus","size":0},"title":"Battery voltage"}]

Sample curl read command (note that :plot_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Plot line configuration

Properties of a plot line

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

dsData source

Sample requests deletion command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):


Sample JS request deletion command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):


Browse more samples

Data source

Identifier of the data source to use

The value is subject to the following constraints: measured values[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):



Sample curl read command (note that :plot_index and :plot_line_configuration_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples


The title of the plot line

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):



Sample requests read command (note that _plot_index and _plot_line_configuration_index are variables):


'Bus A voltage'

Browse more samples

See also Plot line configuration: Style

Meters list

List of meters to display in the web UI

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Meter configuration elements.

Sample curl meter configuration creation command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"decimals\":0,\"color\":\"\",\"sectors\":[{\"color\":\"0000FF\",\"name\":\"Low\",\"value\":100},{\"color\":\"00FF00\",\"name\":\"Optimal\",\"value\":127},{\"color\":\"FF0000\",\"name\":\"High\",\"value\":140}],\"data\":\"buses.0.voltage\",\"width\":128,\"title\":\"Bus A voltage\",\"display\":false,\"min_value\":90,\"scale\":\"linear\",\"height\":64}" ""

Sample uom library meter configuration creation command:

uom.insert(uom.config.meters,8,{color="",data="power_voltage",decimals=2,display=false,height=64,min_value=4,scale="linear",sectors={{color="0000FF",name="Low",value=4.9},{color="00FF00",name="Optimal",value=5.5},{color="FF0000",name="High",value=6}},title="Power voltage",width=128})

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Meter configuration

Configuration of meter for a measured value

This object contains the following items:

dataData source
scaleDisplay scale
colorArrow color
min_valueMinimum value
sectorsMeter sectors

Sample uom library deletion command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):

uom.config.meters[_meter_configuration_index]={color="",data="battery_voltage",decimals=2,display=true,height=64,min_value=4,scale="linear",sectors={{color="0000FF",name="Low",value=4.3},{color="EEEE00",name="Medium",value=4.5},{color="00FF00",name="High",value=6.4}},title="Battery voltage",width=128}

Browse more samples

See also Meter configuration: Title

See also Meter configuration: Display

See also Meter configuration: Data source

See also Meter configuration: Width

See also Meter configuration: Height

See also Meter configuration: Display scale

See also Meter configuration: Decimals

See also Meter configuration: Arrow color

See also Meter configuration: Minimum value

See also Meter configuration: Meter sectors

Meter configuration: Title

The title of the meter

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command (note that :meter_configuration_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request read command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/meters/"+_meter_configuration_index.toString()+"/title/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"Bus B voltage"

Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Display

sum (boolean)config/meters/N/display/
Indicates whether the meter should be displayed

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueShownThe meter is shown
constant falseHiddenThe meter is hidden

Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Sample CLI write command (note that meter_configuration_index is a variable):

uom set "config/meters/${meter_configuration_index}/display" "false"

Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Data source

Identifier of the data source to use

The value is subject to the following constraints: measured values[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl write command (note that :meter_configuration_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"buses.0.voltage\"" ""

Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Width

The width of the meter

The value represents screen length, the standard unit of which is the pixel (px).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI write command (note that meter_configuration_index is a variable):

uom set "config/meters/${meter_configuration_index}/width" "128"

Sample CLI read command (note that meter_configuration_index is a variable):

uom get "config/meters/${meter_configuration_index}/width"


Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Height

The height of the meter

The value represents screen length, the standard unit of which is the pixel (px).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command (note that :meter_configuration_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Display scale

The scale function to use for display

The value is subject to the following constraints: plot scales[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Decimals

Number of decimal places to show in displayed value

The value represents count, the standard unit of which is the time (times).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Arrow color

The color of the meter arrow

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^[0-9A-F]{6}$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command (note that :meter_configuration_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample CLI write command (note that meter_configuration_index is a variable):

uom set "config/meters/${meter_configuration_index}/color" "\"\""

Browse more samples

Meter configuration: Minimum value

The minimum value to be displayed on the meter

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests write command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


Sample uom library read command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):



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Meter configuration: Meter sectors

Configuration of meter sectors

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This array is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Sector configuration elements.

Sample requests read command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):


[{'color': '0000FF', 'name': 'Cold', 'value': 273}, {'color': '00FF00', 'name': 'Optimal', 'value': 322}, {'color': 'FF0000', 'name': 'Hot', 'value': 366}]

Sample requests sector configuration creation command (note that _meter_configuration_index is a variable):

requests.post(''+str(_meter_configuration_index)+'/sectors/',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'color': '0000FF', 'name': 'Low', 'value': 4.9})

Browse more samples

Sector configuration

Configuration of a meter sector

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

valueMaximum value

Sample JS request read command (note that _meter_configuration_index and _sector_configuration_index are variables):

request.get({url:"config/meters/"+_meter_configuration_index.toString()+"/sectors/"+_sector_configuration_index.toString()+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index and _sector_configuration_index are variables):


Browse more samples


The name of the sector

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI write command (note that meter_configuration_index and sector_configuration_index are variables):

uom set "config/meters/${meter_configuration_index}/sectors/${sector_configuration_index}/name" "\"Low\""

Sample curl write command (note that :meter_configuration_index and :sector_configuration_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"Optimal\"" ""

Browse more samples

Maximum value

The maximum value for the sector

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index and _sector_configuration_index are variables):


Sample uom library read command (note that _meter_configuration_index and _sector_configuration_index are variables):



Browse more samples


The color of the sector

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^[0-9A-F]{6}$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _meter_configuration_index and _sector_configuration_index are variables):


Sample curl write command (note that :meter_configuration_index and :sector_configuration_index are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"00FF00\"" ""

Browse more samples

Primary unit contact

The person or entity responsible for this unit and information on how to contact them

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample uom library write command:


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/contact/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Related contacts

Contacts related to the unit in different ways

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Contact elements.

Sample uom library contact creation command:


Sample requests contact creation command:

requests.put('',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'phone': '+432368425056872', 'fax': None, 'name': 'Support', 'email': 'support@baz.example.com'})

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See also Related contacts: Contact

Related contacts: Contact

Contact properties

The value is subject to the following constraints: not index of the value matches ^(|$.*)$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

emailEmail, if any
phonePhone number, if any
faxFax number, if any

Sample uom library write command (note that _contact is a variable):


Sample requests deletion command (note that _contact is a variable):


Browse more samples


Contact name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests write command (note that _contact is a variable):


Sample uom library write command (note that _contact is a variable):


Browse more samples

Email, if any

sum (optional string)config/contacts/S/email/
Contact email address, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo email address stored
stringEmailContact email addressthe value is not equal to ""

Sample uom library read command (note that _contact is a variable):



Sample JS request write command (note that _contact is a variable):


Browse more samples

Phone number, if any

sum (optional string)config/contacts/S/phone/
Contact phone number, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo phone number stored
stringPhone numberContact phone numberthe value is not equal to ""

Sample uom library read command (note that _contact is a variable):



Sample CLI write command (note that contact is a variable):

uom set "config/contacts/${contact}/phone" "\"+7372027484887\""

Browse more samples

Fax number, if any

sum (optional string)config/contacts/S/fax/
Contact fax number, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullNoneNo fax number stored
stringFax numberContact fax numberthe value is not equal to ""

Sample uom library write command (note that _contact is a variable):


Sample uom library read command (note that _contact is a variable):



Browse more samples

Unit location

The physical location of this unit (e.g. '1st floor, rack 9')

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample JS request write command:

request.put({url:"config/location/",body:"Server room"});

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/location/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"Server room"

Browse more samples

Model OID

Object identifier of unit model (should be registered under dliRegistration OID)

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library read command:



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Version number

Version number of frontend software

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/version/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample uom library read command:



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Hardware ID

Identifier of unit hardware model

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/hardware_id/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Serial number

Unit's serial number

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/serial"


Sample uom library read command:



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Outlet label

User-visible label for an outlet controlled by a relay

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/outlet_label/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Brand company name

The name of the company which produced the device

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/brand_company_name/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"Digital Loggers, Inc."

Sample uom library read command:


"Digital Loggers, Inc."

Browse more samples

Brand name

Default brand name, unless overridden

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/brand_name"

"Ethernet Power Controller"

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

"Ethernet Power Controller"

Browse more samples

Brand URL

Default brand URL, unless overridden

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command:



Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Brand manual URL

Brand product manual URL

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command:



Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/brand_manual_url/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples


Brand product FAQ URL

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample requests read command:



Browse more samples

Brand product information URL

Brand product information URL

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/brand_product_info_url/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample uom library read command:



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Support email

Product support email

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command:



Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/support_email"


Browse more samples

Registration URL

Default registration URL, unless overridden

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command:



Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Support URL

Default support URL, unless overridden

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/support_url"


Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Update URL

Default update URL, unless overridden

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library read command:



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Custom brand company name, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_brand_company_name/
User-visible brand company name, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default brand company name
stringCustom brand company nameUser-visible brand company namethe value is not equal to ""

Sample uom library write command:

uom.config.custom_brand_company_name="Whatever Systems Inc."

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/custom_brand_company_name/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"Whatever Systems Inc."

Browse more samples

Custom brand name, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_brand_name/
User-visible product brand name, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default product brand name
stringCustom brand nameUser-visible product brand namethe value is not equal to ""

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

"Amazing Controller III"

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/custom_brand_name/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"Amazing Controller III"

Browse more samples

Custom brand URL, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_brand_url/
User-visible brand URL, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default brand URL
stringCustom brand URLUser-visible brand URLthe value is not equal to ""

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/custom_brand_url/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Custom brand logo URL, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_brand_logo/
User-visible brand logo URL, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default brand logo
stringCustom brand logo URLUser-visible brand logo URLthe value is not equal to ""

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"https://foo.example.com:18443/quux/baz.gif\"" ""

Sample JS request write command:


Browse more samples

Custom brand logo width, if any

sum (optional number)config/custom_brand_logo_width/
User-visible brand logo width, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default brand logo width
numberCustom brand logo widthUser-visible brand logo width

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/custom_brand_logo_width/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "22" ""

Browse more samples

Custom brand logo height, if any

sum (optional number)config/custom_brand_logo_height/
User-visible brand logo height, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default brand logo height
numberCustom brand logo heightUser-visible brand logo height

Sample uom library read command:



Sample requests write command:


Browse more samples

Custom support email, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_support_email/
User-visible product support email, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default support email
stringCustom support emailUser-visible product support emailthe value is not equal to ""

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/custom_support_email"


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"support@example.com\"" ""

Browse more samples

Custom registration URL, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_register_url/
User-visible registration URL, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default registration URL
stringCustom registration URLUser-visible registration URLthe value is not equal to ""

Sample requests read command:



Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Custom support URL, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_support_url/
User-visible support URL, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default support URL
stringCustom support URLUser-visible support URLthe value is not equal to ""

Sample JS request write command:


Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Custom update URL, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_update_url/
User-visible update URL, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultUse default update URL
stringCustom update URLUser-visible update URLthe value is not equal to ""

Sample uom library read command:



Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/custom_update_url" "\"http://foo.example.com:2/bar.html\""

Browse more samples

Custom help URL, if any

sum (optional string)config/custom_help_url/
User-visible help URL, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullInternal helpUse the internal embedded help system
stringCustom help URLUser-visible help URLthe value is not equal to ""

Sample requests read command:



Sample uom library read command:



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Customization status

sum (optional enumerated string)config/customization_status/
Status of customization options

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullDefaultCustomization options can be changed and/or locked
constant "open"OpenCustomization options can be changed, but cannot be locked
constant "locked"LockedCustomization options are locked and cannot be changed

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/customization_status" "\"open\""

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Registration status

sum (boolean)config/registration_status/
Status of the unit registration

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueDefinedThe user has either registered the unit, or refused to do so
constant falseUndefinedThe user hasn't decided on registering the unit and needs to be reminded

Sample uom library write command:


Sample requests read command:



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Enable page refresh

sum (boolean)config/refresh_enabled/
Periodically refresh web UI status page

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/refresh_enabled"


Sample uom library read command:



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Page refresh delay

Status page refresh delay, if refresh is enabled

The value represents time, the standard unit of which is the second (s).

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value is greater than 0

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request write command:


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/refresh_delay_minutes/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Preferred image format

Default image format for plots and meters

The value is subject to the following constraints: image formats[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"svg\"" ""

Sample JS request write command:


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Unit hostname

Host name of the unit (sent by DHCP client, redirected to on network configuration changes when next IP address is unknown)

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]).)*([A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?)$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/hostname"


Sample requests read command:



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Time zone

System time zone

The value is subject to the following constraints: known timezones[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/timezone"


Sample JS request write command:


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HTTP ports

HTTP port bindings

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array represents an unordered set (order of its elements doesn't matter, and each value should not be supplied more than once).

Changes to this array do not take effect immediately.

This array contains Port binding elements.

Sample requests port binding creation command:

requests.post('',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'port': '6', 'address': ''})

Sample requests read command:


[{'port': '8055', 'address': ''}, {'port': '8058', 'address': ''}, {'port': '80', 'address': ''}]

Browse more samples

See also HTTP ports: Port binding

HTTP ports: Port binding

Address and port to bind service to

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this object do not take effect immediately.

This object contains the following items:


Sample JS request write command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):


Sample uom library deletion command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):

local composite=uom.copy(uom.config.http_ports)

Browse more samples


sum (string)config/http_ports/N/address/
Address to listen on

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

stringIPv4 addressIPv4 address to listen onthe value matches ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$
stringIPv6 addressIPv6 address to listen onthe value matches ^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))$

Sample uom library read command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):



Sample CLI write command (note that port_binding_index is a variable):

uom set "config/http_ports/${port_binding_index}/address" "\"\""

Browse more samples


Port number to bind to

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This number is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this number do not take effect immediately.

Sample uom library read command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):



Sample requests write command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):


Browse more samples

HTTPS ports

HTTPS port bindings

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array represents an unordered set (order of its elements doesn't matter, and each value should not be supplied more than once).

Changes to this array do not take effect immediately.

This array contains Port binding elements.

Sample uom library read command:



Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "[{\"port\":\"80\",\"address\":\"\"},{\"port\":\"80\",\"address\":\"\"},{\"port\":\"80\",\"address\":\"\"},{\"port\":\"8074\",\"address\":\"\"}]" ""

Browse more samples

See also HTTPS ports: Port binding

HTTPS ports: Port binding

Address and port to bind service to

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this object do not take effect immediately.

This object contains the following items:


Sample JS request write command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):


Sample JS request deletion command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):


Browse more samples


sum (string)config/https_ports/N/address/
Address to listen on

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

stringIPv4 addressIPv4 address to listen onthe value matches ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$
stringIPv6 addressIPv6 address to listen onthe value matches ^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))$

Sample requests write command (note that _port_binding_index is a variable):


Sample CLI read command (note that port_binding_index is a variable):

uom get "config/https_ports/${port_binding_index}/address"


Browse more samples


Port number to bind to

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This number is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this number do not take effect immediately.

Sample CLI read command (note that port_binding_index is a variable):

uom get "config/https_ports/${port_binding_index}/port"


Sample curl write command (note that :port_binding_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"6\"" ""

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HTTPS certificate settings

HTTPS certificate configuration

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object contains the following items:

distinguished_nameDistinguished name
string_maskString mask
domainsDomain names override, if any
addressesAddresses override, if any
automatic_renewalAutomatic renewal
renewal_methodCertificate renewal method
csrHTTPS certificate signing request, if it can be generated
certHTTPS certificate chain
keyHTTPS certificate key
renew_certRenew certificate
generate_keyGenerate key
known_dn_oidsKnown DN OIDs
known_renewal_methodsRenewal methods

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "..." ""

Sample JS request write command:


Browse more samples


Size of new private keys

The value represents count, the standard unit of which is the time (times).

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request write command:


Sample uom library read command:



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Distinguished name

New certificate distinguished name elements

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Values elements.

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/https_cert/distinguished_name" "{\"commonName\":[\"Digital Loggers Unit\"],\"countryName\":[\"US\"],\"stateOrProvinceName\":[\"California\"],\"localityName\":[\"Santa Clara\"]}"

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"commonName\":[\"Digital Loggers Unit\"],\"countryName\":[\"US\"],\"stateOrProvinceName\":[\"California\"],\"localityName\":[\"Santa Clara\"]}" ""

Browse more samples

See also Distinguished name: Values

String mask

sum (enumerated string)config/https_cert/string_mask/
The set of string types to use for new certificates

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant "default"OpenSSL defaultPrintableString, T61String and BMPString
constant "pkix"PKIXPrintableString and BMPString
constant "utf8only"UTF-8 strings onlyUTF8String
constant "nombstr"No multibyte stringsPrintableString and T61String

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/https_cert/string_mask/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/https_cert/string_mask"


Browse more samples

Domain names override, if any

sum (optional array)config/https_cert/domains/
Explicit domain name list to certify for when enrolling certificate, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullUse hostnameCertify for the current hostname when enrolling certificate
arrayDomain names overrideExplicit domain name list to certify for when enrolling certificate

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/https_cert/domains"


Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/https_cert/domains" "null"

Browse more samples

See also Domain names override, if any: Domain names override

Addresses override, if any

sum (optional array)config/https_cert/addresses/
Explicit list of addresses to certify for when enrolling certificate, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullUse all known addressesCertify for all current addresses when enrolling certificate automatically
arrayAddresses overrideExplicit list of addresses to certify for when enrolling certificate

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/https_cert/addresses/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample requests read command:



Browse more samples

See also Addresses override, if any: Addresses override

Automatic renewal

sum (boolean)config/https_cert/automatic_renewal/
Automatic renewal of certificate at or near expiry

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/https_cert/automatic_renewal"


Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Certificate renewal method

Method to use when renewing the certificate

The value is subject to the following constraints: renewal methods[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/https_cert/renewal_method" "\"acmev1\""

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"acmev1\"" ""

Browse more samples

See also HTTPS certificate settings: Data

HTTPS certificate signing request, if it can be generated

sum (variant)config/https_cert/csr/
The certificate signing request to sign (read may fail if key generation is in progress)

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this sum cannot be tracked.

This sum can assume the following values:

stringHTTPS certificate signing requestThe certificate signing request you need to sign in order to obtain an HTTPS certificate for the unit, to be honored by an external entity
constant falseCertificate signing request generation failureNo valid certificate signing request could be generated, check distinguished name settings

Sample uom library read command:



Sample requests read command:


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HTTPS certificate chain

HTTPS certificate chain presented by the unit to clients (read may fail if renewal is in progress)

The value contains PEM format data (has native MIME type application/x-pem-file).

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Using the string as a field for indexing into the grandparent collection is denied

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this string cannot be tracked.

Changes to this string may have an effect besides setting value.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample requests read command:


Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Browse more samples

HTTPS certificate key

The key used by the HTTPS certificate presented by the unit; certificate will be renewed as a side effect of writing; writing actual data is not recommended, please use the certificate request signing path instead

The value contains PEM format data (has native MIME type application/x-pem-file).

Retrieving the value is denied

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

Using the string as a field for indexing into the grandparent collection is denied

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this string cannot be tracked.

Changes to this string may have an effect besides setting value.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

This string should be displayed in a secure manner.

Representation of the resource cannot be obtained. Attempts to do so via a JSON API will succeed but return '{"$ref":""}' which means "the value of this resource".

Sample JS request write command:


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nMIIxua1Yc602y5TTKAxGK0kKcVaW/ycwJiuDIxox4r02yVYIiVb3YMPAu0jv/LsK\\naOkPMqGOvFwUZf/BkaZ9mTCWPDuHa+4APqbnhuCd997lq9zalZmY3+4UD+oq/u0Q\\neDTZS6kdFWTRV4C4tnAutg7uU+vP1LBhbgH3o2j4aDX6JmDDZP7T6HOdHJ2KhG2J\\nLPnP8t/NR8jDOypp6IxPibi2f3lx75wUWjwgcy446pJXo8MxTKMBx5FdA1bK8Xrh\\nnNwmU0uKLR8Wq6/BUD9bUooXQ9i+0PHqpDcJFXfd/qAsyC3TRE5x3vVV5EW8fp/U\\ndqLBV/CMB4KQAptQwrWsN2+da8JP9pVpfs0BtFZ5MwXYmR/iJXbjbbMCmhdxX8mD\\npRw412Tzc1l43UPd68FkXTWF7UpHG3L6WHDZLiZ+lK4rrWUzhmjEFFWOmMi2R3Bz\\nQZl88lwVrnMNIL545LMNum9GVEjbRj+tJm2TX++PoNp6kwDsIbFCOQVwgEX8+Y2J\\n6ou7pJxC94z5KsQy7eMa9JHQsRQQVmneahoQ0mfBsfJDXlBhQaHcva2n2VEaH2Fu\\n3Lor10kiLzG7AzanHCiuHWyonZ6rq1cvOQmRTXArWT+jTaW==\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n\"" ""

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See also HTTPS certificate settings: Renew certificate

See also HTTPS certificate settings: Generate key

See also HTTPS certificate settings: Known DN OIDs

Renewal methods

Known renewal methods

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map contains Renewal method elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library read command:



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See also Renewal methods: Renewal method

Distinguished name: Values

Distinguished name element value set

The value is subject to the following constraints: any of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Value elements.

Sample CLI write command (note that values is a variable):

uom set "config/https_cert/distinguished_name/${values}" "[\"California\"]"

Sample uom library read command (note that _values is a variable):


{"Santa Clara"}

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Distinguished name element value

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _values and _value_index are variables):

uom.config.https_cert.distinguished_name[_values][_value_index]="Digital Loggers Unit"

Sample uom library read command (note that _values and _value_index are variables):



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Domain names override, if any: Domain names override

(possibly) arrayconfig/https_cert/domains/
Explicit domain name list to certify for when enrolling certificate

This array contains Hostname elements.

Sample requests hostname creation command:


Sample JS request hostname creation command:


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Hostname to certify for

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]).)*([A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?)$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI write command (note that hostname_index is a variable):

uom set "config/https_cert/domains/${hostname_index}" "\"foo.example.com\""

Sample requests write command (note that _hostname_index is a variable):


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Addresses override, if any: Addresses override

(possibly) arrayconfig/https_cert/addresses/
Explicit list of addresses to certify for when enrolling certificate

This array contains IPv4 address elements.

Sample CLI IPv4 address creation command:

uom insert "config/https_cert/addresses/6" "\"\""

Sample requests IPv4 address creation command:


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IPv4 address

IPv4 address to certify for, in dotted quad notation

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request read command (note that _ipv4_address_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/https_cert/addresses/"+_ipv4_address_index.toString()+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample CLI read command (note that ipv4_address_index is a variable):

uom get "config/https_cert/addresses/${ipv4_address_index}"


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HTTPS certificate settings: Data

Renewal-method-specific data

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Data item elements.

Sample JS request write command:


Sample JS request data item creation command:


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Data item

Item of renewal-method-specific data

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches renewal methods[certificate renewal method].data_items[index of the value].regexp

Retrieving the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Using the string as a field for indexing into the grandparent collection is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string should be displayed in a secure manner if all of the following is true:

Sample curl deletion command (note that :data_item is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample uom library read command (note that _data_item is a variable):



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HTTPS certificate settings: Renew certificate

Initiate attempt to renew the certificate using the selected method

Performing the function call is denied if any of the following is true:

The call has no arguments (supply empty tuple).

The call returns the following results:

  1. Empty result: null

Sample uom library invocation:


(no output)

Sample requests invocation:


(no output)

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Empty result

constant nullconfig/https_cert/renew_cert/results: 1/
No additional information available

This constant does not correspond to an actual resource.

HTTPS certificate settings: Generate key

Initiate generation of a new private key; certificate renewal will be attempted as a side effect; if that fails, the key is unchanged

Performing the function call is denied if any of the following is true:

The call has no arguments (supply empty tuple).

The call returns the following results:

  1. Empty result: null

Sample requests invocation:


(no output)

Sample CLI invocation:

uom invoke "config/https_cert/generate_key"

(no output)

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Empty result

constant nullconfig/https_cert/generate_key/results: 1/
No additional information available

This constant does not correspond to an actual resource.

HTTPS certificate settings: Known DN OIDs

Known distinguished name element object identifiers

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map does not support direct modification.

This map contains OID elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample requests read command:


Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

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Object identifier value

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample uom library read command (note that _oid is a variable):



Sample curl read command (note that :oid is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Supported data items: Data item properties

Properties of data item

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

regexpRegular expression

Sample CLI write command (note that renewal_method and data_item_properties are variables):

uom set "config/https_cert/known_renewal_methods/${renewal_method}/data_items/${data_item_properties}" "{\"regexp\":\"^[1-9][0-9]*$\",\"name\":\"ACMEv1 default account key size in bits\",\"secret\":false}"

Sample requests read command (note that _renewal_method and _data_item_properties are variables):


{'regexp': '^[1-9][0-9]*$', 'name': 'Number of days to issue new certificates for', 'secret': False}

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Data item name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample requests read command (note that _renewal_method and _data_item_properties are variables):


'Username to authenticate as'

Sample curl read command (note that :renewal_method and :data_item_properties are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

"Number of days to issue new certificates for"

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Regular expression

Regular expression which the data item must match

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample JS request read command (note that _renewal_method and _data_item_properties are variables):

request.get({url:"config/https_cert/known_renewal_methods/"+_renewal_method+"/data_items/"+_data_item_properties+"/regexp/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample requests read command (note that _renewal_method and _data_item_properties are variables):


'^((]|[!#&\'()*+,/:;=?@[$A-Za-z0-9._~-]|(%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]))| )+$'

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sum (boolean)config/https_cert/known_renewal_methods/S/data_items/S/secret/
Flag indicating whether the data item can contain private information

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueSecretThe data item can contain private information
constant falseNot secretThe data item contains only public information

Sample requests read command (note that _renewal_method and _data_item_properties are variables):



Sample CLI read command (note that renewal_method and data_item_properties are variables):

uom get "config/https_cert/known_renewal_methods/${renewal_method}/data_items/${data_item_properties}/secret"


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Renewal methods: Renewal method

Method of certificate renewal

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

data_itemsSupported data items

Sample JS request read command (note that _renewal_method is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/https_cert/known_renewal_methods/"+_renewal_method+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

Sample requests read command (note that _renewal_method is a variable):


{'name': 'Generate a self-signed certificate', 'data_items': {'days': {'regexp': '^[1-9][0-9]*$', 'name': 'Number of days to issue new certificates for', 'secret': False}}}

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Renewal method name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample uom library read command (note that _renewal_method is a variable):


"Obtain a certificate from an ACME v1 endpoint (e.g. Let's Encrypt)"

Sample CLI read command (note that renewal_method is a variable):

uom get "config/https_cert/known_renewal_methods/${renewal_method}/name"

"Obtain a certificate via EST (Enrollment over Secure Transport)"

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Supported data items

Properties of supported data items

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map contains Data item properties elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample curl read command (note that :renewal_method is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample uom library read command (note that _renewal_method is a variable):


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See also Supported data items: Data item properties

Certificate collection

Map of known certificates and their settings

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this map do not take effect immediately.

This map contains Certificate elements.

Sample requests write command:

requests.put('',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'eTrustBaz_Root_Certification_Authority': {'data': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIOTm0fD1JGYaeHvV4DOvr5cz09BCP6UkXzXZemc+2BajUWEaleVdm8doJq1lyY\nX25CqjCvwoeRLu27ZamMkPA3FEqDoLlMQsaGcoBZdr0/m48MgwkRMxWeCNt1lfPB\n/T9qhkTZnUMufkbcU2+Raef+YjlD8yn9Sz/9kVkX06Sht3KN7Krk/XkZGVpQTccx\ne7MAuwC1OwwTGJddBNek8D1f3U9h67KnGizAfC\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n', 'status': True}, 'eSecureBar_Primary_CA': {'data': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIjtbXq1zJTM8PRkli5s8FQ0Z0tJ1WCYAxRnVIrVdLuomLYX3gQEysGXv9tyh5X\n+iaJZ5zw0njNMGT2ij1b0bWBUVvb2qg3YHP8PO5RCqqa7Kfs4iU6J0JqYFRc58ig\n7qsXyKmpBMyX2rdnLl6N5zyNQaUb\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n', 'status': True}})

Sample uom library read command:



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See also Certificate collection: Certificate

Certificate collection: Certificate

Certificate settings

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this object do not take effect immediately.

This object contains the following items:

statusTrust status

Sample curl deletion command (note that :certificate is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample JS request write command (note that _certificate is a variable):

request.put({url:"config/certificates/"+_certificate+"/",body:{"data":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIMa5imZCllazQ79/1s7uzQrfgdXDqBMFayNIlyXWk8VBHhCKaLEan6FUlpkc16\n4HyrGWO0gwE+dSLEqbqek58Vxv8+11d8Lc0d9QgsMws/PDGFr6wbE57B0HB3LrDi\nFMfi2X4/Q6QgOiXWe9nlI+ocBtz27iY=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","status":true}});

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Certificate data

The value contains PEM format data (has native MIME type application/x-pem-file).

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample curl read command (note that :certificate is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample requests write command (note that _certificate is a variable):

requests.put(''+_certificate+'/data/',auth=auth,headers=headers,json='-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIB4ip4x6liDkDqOaifKy//w/pf/6kJYBXfvMlsUWbkHrbhRJNnIPpEQevSngoL\n0ojohEKJ+dAcLexlRGAHWcyS5l9v62G9t0zbGJxHz7wLnt6FAIYixWB2IMzRRGcL\nbyaxvux3qJtkR9wmjfk\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n')

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Trust status

sum (boolean)config/certificates/S/status/
Whether the certificate is trusted by default

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueTrustedThe certificate is trusted by all software with default settings
constant falseUntrustedThe certificate is not trusted by all software with default settings

Sample curl read command (note that :certificate is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request read command (note that _certificate is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/certificates/"+_certificate+"/status/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Certificate revocation list collection

Map of known certificate revocation lists and their settings

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this map do not take effect immediately.

This map contains Certificate revocation list elements.

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/crls" "{\"iTrustFooSign_Primary_Certification_Authority_2\":{\"data\":\"-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----\\nMIIoaOByqlpykS7kvwI4+zyWYH5T4GDSyHHYiUWYGMX0qhnle5se4qAf8I8FaOjZ\\n7QXg/p2ZruGfgwmYbtPoZa7jrk8aJsdSJA9L0Dwt8DYrALQnFscqSlaJVlwqeaJz\\nUKpkHjvWImjgDWx59oZwOvSAsJqSepG9A5wUrr19emrtIp/Ud=\\n-----END X509 CRL-----\\n\",\"status\":true}}"

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/crls"


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See also Certificate revocation list collection: Certificate revocation list

Certificate revocation list collection: Certificate revocation list

Certificate revocation list settings

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this object do not take effect immediately.

This object contains the following items:

statusUsage status

Sample uom library deletion command (note that _certificate_revocation_list is a variable):


Sample JS request write command (note that _certificate_revocation_list is a variable):

request.put({url:"config/crls/"+_certificate_revocation_list+"/",body:{"data":"-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----\nMII7ODjL0Juy66lgBvZq6sUKdhwCxNqS2SbShLqkhkiptTW4P6xX+Rte9qt6EjaI\nnvadgHNO7GtgNJoKspomUzdN6t7iBLx/HXezr1O/KHhjdV4VLvIrvxF1rPm3nj45\nk58oV99psvSO/+mxIesGww8LiD8SJGl4Nwvu54j+/BP1CC/Xstpop+AYDL0Zdog0\nbwsigsktIo6WpfPjUEZUQ7kn9JR+0TkdQcM6V60px8MmpoVJ24qVDbJPxmPzGAdi\n0qJ9s960YurMPBRW2zmfJBd6ddOpG6eJzzUr9ctjWl6yyaU1ZGjuUM180R+IaedZ\n7QpmKYI5hG4Hn8t3toaGrkIIkduPHT3RwvDHUXOBqVUdfNjZBJr24ANrpIG6oMZk\no1nMS/D+VsgvcF7y7B2=\n-----END X509 CRL-----\n","status":false}});

Browse more samples


CRL data

The value contains PEM format data (has native MIME type application/x-pem-file).

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample JS request write command (note that _certificate_revocation_list is a variable):

request.put({url:"config/crls/"+_certificate_revocation_list+"/data/",body:"-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----\nMIIUVJTV+GQYDNcou9sGFMmfwJvTgOWlJRGqmmMn2pLHD+579+QQMC6JX1oERK0m\nda40O8rmS4maEyagOzvWISa7i1UlqI3Uu9WJKO5pUuPls0SH/NqKsQTaUzLKHRrC\nNYznfpIaE4TGYmIyceq38RZ7pwRGngvBEv/vkKW\n-----END X509 CRL-----\n"});

Sample CLI read command (note that certificate_revocation_list is a variable):

uom get "config/crls/${certificate_revocation_list}/data"

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Usage status

sum (boolean)config/crls/S/status/
Whether the certificate revocation list is used by default

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueUsedThe certificate revocation list is used by all software with default settings
constant falseUnusedThe certificate revocation list is not used by all software with default settings

Sample requests write command (note that _certificate_revocation_list is a variable):


Sample curl write command (note that :certificate_revocation_list is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "true" ""

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SSH enabled

sum (boolean)config/ssh_enabled/
Whether the SSH server should be enabled

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/ssh_enabled"


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SSH port number

Port number of the SSH server

The value is subject to the following constraints: all of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this number do not take effect immediately.

Sample uom library read command:



Sample JS request write command:


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SSH authorized keys

List of public keys allowed to log in

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this array do not take effect immediately.

This array contains SSH authorized key elements.

Sample uom library write command:

uom.config.ssh_authorized_keys={{comment="",data="ecdsa-sha2-nistp521   Dix2oxXZl==",options="svj,cjcfrv=8277160816,r=bsih,je=4,m=tfxvc"}}

Sample JS request write command:

request.put({url:"config/ssh_authorized_keys/",body:[{"data":"ssh-dss       rymnO===","options":"v","comment":""},{"data":"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256   3d4n6ltA=","options":"iqv=j,cf=2,b=244141635,lchelqhatnnvkub=ux","comment":"h-rkq"},{"data":"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256   6t=","options":"kkikjn=uutmv,ku,p=kcm,xmoiw=h,bti=pgvqdlvvyf,hdi,qt=kwcefgpgvwc","comment":""},{"data":"ssh-dss Mv==","options":"z=9,n=88317941","comment":""},{"data":"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 Z1N","options":"","comment":""}]});

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See also SSH authorized keys: SSH authorized key

SSH authorized keys: SSH authorized key

Public key allowed to log in

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this object do not take effect immediately.

This object contains the following items:


Sample curl deletion command (note that :ssh_authorized_key_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample curl write command (note that :ssh_authorized_key_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"data\":\"ecdsa-sha2-nistp521  7=\",\"options\":\"z=0,yul=avnxxj,rwgy=z,l=dm,hnhirief=xj,q=ea,mquauhcw=824057,qnjleplv\",\"comment\":\"\"}" ""

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Public key data

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^(([0-9])+ *([0-9])+ *([0-9])+|(ecdsa-sha2-nistp256|ecdsa-sha2-nistp384|ecdsa-sha2-nistp521|ssh-ed25519|ssh-dss|ssh-rsa) *([0-9A-Za-z+/]+[=]{0,3}))$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample CLI read command (note that ssh_authorized_key_index is a variable):

uom get "config/ssh_authorized_keys/${ssh_authorized_key_index}/data"

"ssh-dss 3W"

Sample uom library read command (note that _ssh_authorized_key_index is a variable):


"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256     F/Af3==="

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Public key options

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^([^ "]+|"[^"]*")*$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample uom library write command (note that _ssh_authorized_key_index is a variable):


Sample CLI read command (note that ssh_authorized_key_index is a variable):

uom get "config/ssh_authorized_keys/${ssh_authorized_key_index}/options"


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Public key comment

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this string do not take effect immediately.

Sample requests read command (note that _ssh_authorized_key_index is a variable):



Sample CLI write command (note that ssh_authorized_key_index is a variable):

uom set "config/ssh_authorized_keys/${ssh_authorized_key_index}/comment" "\"\""

Browse more samples

NTP server enabled

sum (boolean)config/ntp_server_enabled/
Whether the device should act as NTP server

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample uom library read command:



Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "true" ""

Browse more samples

NTP peers

List of NTP servers to get time information from

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this array do not take effect immediately.

This array contains NTP peer elements.

Sample requests write command:

requests.put('',auth=auth,headers=headers,json=['0.ntp-pool.example.com', '1.ntp-pool.example.com', '2.ntp-pool.example.com', '3.ntp-pool.example.com'])

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

NTP peer

sum (string)config/ntp_peers/N/
NTP server to get time information from

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

stringHostnameHostnamethe value matches ^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]).)*([A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?)$
stringIPv4 addressIPv4 address in dotted quad notationthe value matches ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$

Sample JS request write command (note that _ntp_peer_index is a variable):


Sample uom library read command (note that _ntp_peer_index is a variable):



Browse more samples

Syslog threshold severity

sum (enumerated number)config/syslog_minimal_severity/
Threshold severity for system messages, below which they are not logged

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant 1EmergencyLog when unit becomes unstable or unusable
constant 2AlertLog conditions requiring immediate action
constant 3CriticalLog critical conditions
constant 4ErrorLog error conditions
constant 5WarningLog warning conditions
constant 6NoticeLog normal but significant conditions
constant 7InformationalLog informational messages
constant 8DebugLog tracing and debugging messages

Sample requests write command:


Sample requests read command:



Browse more samples

Syslog server address, if any

sum (optional string)config/syslog_ip_address/
Host name or IPv4 address of the syslog server to forward log messages to, if any

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

Changes to this sum do not take effect immediately.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullSyslog server disabledSystem log messages are not forwarded to a server
stringHostnameHostnamethe value matches ^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]).)*([A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?)$
stringIPv4 addressIPv4 address in dotted quad notationthe value matches ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$

Sample requests write command:


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "null" ""

Browse more samples


sum (boolean)config/allow_jsonrpc/
Enable HTTP clients to perform JSON-RPC requests

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/allow_jsonrpc" "false"

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "true" ""

Browse more samples

Allow non-administrative users to perform JSON-RPC requests

sum (boolean)config/allow_jsonrpc_nonadmin/
Enable JSON-RPC API requests from users which are not administrators

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample uom library write command:


Sample requests read command:



Browse more samples

Allow REST-like API

sum (boolean)config/allow_restapi/
Enable HTTP clients to perform REST-like API requests

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/allow_restapi" "false"

Sample uom library read command:



Browse more samples

Allow non-administrative users to access REST-like API

sum (boolean)config/allow_restapi_nonadmin/
Enable REST-like API requests from users which are not administrators

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "false" ""

Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Allowed REST-like API client origins

List of origins permitted to access the REST-like API

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Allowed REST-like API client origin elements.

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/allow_restapi_origins" "[\"https://foo.example.com\",\"http://bar.example.com:8065\"]"

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "[\"http://foo.example.com\"]" ""

Browse more samples

Allowed REST-like API client origin

Origin permitted to access the REST-like API

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _allowed_rest_like_api_client_origin_index is a variable):



Sample curl read command (note that :allowed_rest_like_api_client_origin_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Allow CoAP over WebSockets

sum (boolean)config/allow_coapws/
Enable HTTP clients to establish CoAP over WebSockets connections

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample uom library read command:



Sample JS request write command:


Browse more samples

Allow non-administrative users to access CoAP over WebSockets

sum (boolean)config/allow_coapws_nonadmin/
Enable CoAP over WebSockets connections from users which are not administrators

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample uom library read command:



Sample requests read command:



Browse more samples

Allowed CoAP over WebSockets client origins

List of origins permitted to access CoAP over WebSockets

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Allowed CoAP over WebSockets client origin elements.

Sample uom library read command:



Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Allowed CoAP over WebSockets client origin

Origin permitted to access CoAP over WebSockets

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _allowed_coap_over_websockets_client_origin_index is a variable):


Sample uom library read command (note that _allowed_coap_over_websockets_client_origin_index is a variable):



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Relax non-HTML method CSRF checks

sum (boolean)config/relax_nonhtml_methods/
Enable HTTP clients to perform PUT/PATCH/DELETE API requests without a CSRF protection header (currently cannot be sent via an HTML form)

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample requests write command:


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "true" ""

Browse more samples

Relax non-HTML content type CSRF checks

sum (boolean)config/relax_nonhtml_content_types/
Enable HTTP clients to perform API requests with e.g. application/json or application/json-rpc without a CSRF protection header (currently cannot be sent via an HTML form)

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample requests write command:


Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Allow plaintext logins

sum (boolean)config/allow_plaintext_logins/
Allow HTTP clients to authenticate using Basic authentication or plaintext login form

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample JS request write command:


Sample requests read command:



Browse more samples

Allow plaintext URL logins

sum (boolean)config/allow_plaintext_url_logins/
Allow HTTP clients to authenticate to certain API types by supplying plaintext credentials in URL

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample uom library write command:


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/allow_plaintext_url_logins/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Allow state-changing GET requests

sum (boolean)config/allow_modifying_get/
Allow HTTP clients to use GET web UI requests for changing state

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "true" ""

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/allow_modifying_get"


Browse more samples

Relay name visibility

sum (boolean)config/name_always_visible/
Flag enabling visibility of relay name

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEverywhereRelay name visible everywhere, including the login page
constant falseAuthorized users onlyRelay name visible only on pages which require authorization

Sample uom library read command:



Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/name_always_visible"


Browse more samples

Hide user passwords

sum (boolean)config/hide_passwords/
Whether user passwords should be hidden

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueHideDo not display user passwords in web UI
constant falseShowDisplay user passwords in web UI

Sample requests read command:



Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/hide_passwords"


Browse more samples

Hide WiFi key

sum (boolean)config/hide_wifi_key/
Whether the WiFi key should be hidden

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueHideDo not display WiFi key in web UI
constant falseShowDisplay WiFi key in web UI

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request write command:


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Security lockout duration

Time during which, after several unsuccessful logins, subsequent logins are denied

The value represents time, the standard unit of which is the second (s).

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value is greater or equal to 0

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/lockout_delay_minutes"


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "60" ""

Browse more samples

Protect firmware

sum (boolean)config/protect_firmware/
Protect firmware from being overwritten

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueProtectedAssociated object cannot be changed
constant falseNot protectedAssociated object can be changed

Sample uom library read command:



Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Protect admin login

sum (boolean)config/protect_admin/
Protect admin settings from being modified

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueProtectedAssociated object cannot be changed
constant falseNot protectedAssociated object can be changed

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/protect_admin"


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "false" ""

Browse more samples

Protect network settings

sum (boolean)config/protect_network/
Protect network settings from being modified

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueProtectedAssociated object cannot be changed
constant falseNot protectedAssociated object can be changed

Sample requests write command:


Sample uom library read command:



Browse more samples

Protect private settings

sum (boolean)config/protect_private_config/
Protect private configuration settings from being stored in backups

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueProtectedAssociated object cannot be changed
constant falseNot protectedAssociated object can be changed

Sample requests write command:


Sample uom library write command:


Browse more samples

Protect from restore

sum (boolean)config/protect_restore/
Protect settings from being restored from backups

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueProtectedAssociated object cannot be changed
constant falseNot protectedAssociated object can be changed

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/protect_restore"


Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/protect_restore" "false"

Browse more samples

Protect from maintenance

sum (boolean)config/protect_maintenance/
Disable remote maintenance support

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueProtectedAssociated object cannot be changed
constant falseNot protectedAssociated object can be changed

Sample requests write command:


Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/protect_maintenance"


Browse more samples

Protect notification settings

sum (variant)config/protect_notification/
Protect notification settings from being modified

Retrieving the value is denied if all of the following is true:

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueProtectedAssociated object cannot be changed, and its security-related parameters cannot be read
constant falseNot protectedAssociated object can be changed, and its security-related parameters can be read
constant "sender"Protect sender configurationAssociated object cannot be changed, and its security-related parameters cannot be read; properties not related to sender configuration can still be read and changed

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "config/protect_notification" "true"

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/protect_notification"


Browse more samples

Beep on upgrade

sum (boolean)config/upgrade_notify_beep/
Indicate firmware upgrade progress by beeping

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample JS request write command:


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/upgrade_notify_beep/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Blink on upgrade

sum (boolean)config/upgrade_notify_blink/
Indicate firmware upgrade progress by blinking

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/upgrade_notify_blink"


Sample curl write command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "false" ""

Browse more samples

Known quantities

Map of known physical quantities

This map does not support direct modification.

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Quantity elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample uom library read command:



Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/known_quantities/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples


Physical quantity

This object contains the following items:

unitsKnown units
preferred_unitPreferred unit, if any

Sample uom library read command (note that _quantity is a variable):



Sample curl write command (note that :quantity is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"preferred_unit\":\"px\",\"name\":\"Screen length\",\"units\":{\"px\":{\"offset\":0,\"internal\":false,\"name\":\"pixel\",\"scale\":1}}}" ""

Browse more samples

See also Quantity: Name

See also Quantity: Known units

See also Quantity: Preferred unit, if any

Quantity: Name

Quantity name

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI read command (note that quantity is a variable):

uom get "config/known_quantities/${quantity}/name"

"Screen length"

Sample JS request read command (note that _quantity is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/known_quantities/"+_quantity+"/name/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples

Quantity: Known units

Map of known units for quantity

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Unit elements.

Sample curl write command (note that :quantity is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"K\":{\"offset\":0,\"internal\":false,\"name\":\"kelvin\",\"scale\":1},\"C\":{\"offset\":-273.16,\"internal\":false,\"name\":\"degree Celsius\",\"scale\":1},\"F\":{\"offset\":-459.67,\"name\":\"degree Fahrenheit\",\"scale\":1.8}}" ""

Sample JS request read command (note that _quantity is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/known_quantities/"+_quantity+"/units/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

{"K":{"offset":0,"internal":true,"name":"kelvin","scale":1},"C":{"offset":-273.16,"internal":true,"name":"degree Celsius","scale":1},"F":{"offset":-459.67,"internal":true,"name":"degree Fahrenheit","scale":1.8}}

Browse more samples


Unit of physical quantity

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object does not support direct modification if internal.

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

scaleScaling factor

Sample curl deletion command (note that :quantity and :unit are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample CLI deletion command (note that quantity and unit are variables):

uom remove "config/known_quantities/${quantity}/units/${unit}"

Browse more samples


Unit name

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification if internal.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command (note that _quantity and _unit are variables):



Sample curl write command (note that :quantity and :unit are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"kelvin\"" ""

Browse more samples

Scaling factor

Scaling factor for conversion from standard SI unit

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This number does not support direct modification if internal.

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library write command (note that _quantity and _unit are variables):


Sample requests read command (note that _quantity and _unit are variables):



Browse more samples


Offset for conversion from standard SI unit

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This number is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This number does not support direct modification if internal.

This number represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command (note that _quantity and _unit are variables):



Sample JS request read command (note that _quantity and _unit are variables):

request.get({url:"config/known_quantities/"+_quantity+"/units/"+_unit+"/offset/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Browse more samples


sum (boolean)config/known_quantities/S/units/S/internal/
Flag indicating whether this measurement unit is internal

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueInternalThis unit is internal and cannot be modified
constant falseUserThis unit is user-supplied and can be modified

Sample requests read command (note that _quantity and _unit are variables):



Sample uom library read command (note that _quantity and _unit are variables):



Browse more samples

Quantity: Preferred unit, if any

sum (optional string)config/known_quantities/S/preferred_unit/
Default UI unit for quantity, if any

Changing the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant nullStandard unitUI shows quantity in SI units
stringPreferred unitDefault UI unit for quantityknown units[the value]

Sample requests read command (note that _quantity is a variable):



Sample curl read command (note that :quantity is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Known timezones

Map of known time zones

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Timezone elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample uom library read command:


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/known_timezones/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

Browse more samples


Time zone name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _timezone is a variable):



Sample curl read command (note that :timezone is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Browse more samples

Known protection bits

Map of known protection bits

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map contains Protection bit elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/known_protection_bits/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

Sample uom library read command:


Browse more samples

See also Known protection bits: Protection bit

Known protection bits: Protection bit

Protection bit properties

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

statusProtection status

Sample requests write command (note that _protection_bit is a variable):

requests.put(''+_protection_bit+'/',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'name': 'Administrator credentials protection', 'status': True})

Sample requests read command (note that _protection_bit is a variable):


{'name': 'Private configuration protection', 'status': False}

Browse more samples


Protection bit name

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample curl read command (note that :protection_bit is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

"Network settings protection"

Sample JS request read command (note that _protection_bit is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/known_protection_bits/"+_protection_bit+"/name/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"Notification settings protection"

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Protection status

sum (variant)config/known_protection_bits/S/status/
Status of protection

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this sum cannot be tracked.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledProtection is enabled and effective
constant falseDisabledProtection is disabled
stringIneffectiveProtection is enabled, but not effective for the following reason

Sample requests read command (note that _protection_bit is a variable):


'You have enabled that and that service which allows to bypass this protection'

Sample curl read command (note that :protection_bit is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Relay ports

List of devices to which relay modules are connected

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This array does not support direct modification.

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array is expected to be visible to advanced users only.

This array contains Relay port elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"config/relay_ports/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample CLI read command:

uom get "config/relay_ports"


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Relay port

Filename of a relay module device

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string is expected to be visible to advanced users only.

Sample JS request read command (note that _relay_port_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"config/relay_ports/"+_relay_port_index.toString()+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample requests read command (note that _relay_port_index is a variable):



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