DLI DC3 Object Model Reference
Event notification server object
Object representing the event notification server configuration

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object contains the following items:

known_sink_typesSink types
sink_data_item_groupsSink data item groups

Sample uom library write command:


Sample uom library read command:



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Sink array

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Sink elements.

Sample uom library read command:


Sample uom library write command:


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Event sink

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:


Sample uom library read command (note that _sink_index is a variable):


{data={password="c",recipient="donald@aqyp9.example.com",sender="paul@jtjzk.example.com"},name="kevin",test={{value="function"},arguments={},results={"Sink handler indicates notification failure, check log for errors"}},type="xmpp"}

Sample curl deletion command (note that :sink_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" ""

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See also Sink: Name

See also Sink: Type

See also Sink: Data

See also Sink: Test

Sink: Name

Sink name (can be shared between sinks)

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI write command (note that sink_index is a variable):

uom set "notification/sinks/${sink_index}/name" "\"david\""

Sample requests read command (note that _sink_index is a variable):



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Sink: Type

Sink type

The value is subject to the following constraints: sink types[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command (note that _sink_index is a variable):



Sample CLI read command (note that sink_index is a variable):

uom get "notification/sinks/${sink_index}/type"


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Sink: Data

Sink-type-specific data

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Data item elements.

Sample JS request write command (note that _sink_index is a variable):


Sample curl write command (note that :sink_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"community\":\"JRLH:;kx?!\",\"specific_trap_type\":\"3\",\"generic_trap_type\":\"6\",\"enterprise_oid\":\"0.3435,,\",\"server\":\"ljiqly.example.com\"}" ""

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Data item

Item of sink-type-specific data

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches sink types[type].data_items[index of the value].regexp

Retrieving the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Using the string as a field for indexing into the grandparent collection is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string should be displayed in a secure manner if all of the following is true:

Sample CLI read command (note that sink_index and data_item are variables):

uom get "notification/sinks/${sink_index}/data/${data_item}"


Sample requests read command (note that _sink_index and _data_item are variables):



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Sink: Test

Send a test notification using this sink

Performing the function call is denied if not administrative user

The call has no arguments (supply empty tuple).

The call returns the following results:

  1. Notification status: Success or Failure

Sample curl invocation (note that :sink_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "[]" ""

"Sink handler indicates notification failure, check log for errors"

Sample CLI invocation (note that sink_index is a variable):

uom invoke "notification/sinks/${sink_index}/test"


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Notification status

sum (variant)notification/sinks/N/test/results: 1/
Notification success or failure message

This sum does not correspond to an actual resource.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueSuccessThe notification has succeeded
stringFailureThe notification has failed with the following error


Event processing rule list

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Rule elements.

Sample requests write command:

requests.put('',auth=auth,headers=headers,json=[{'condition': 'severity>=ERROR', 'action': 'notify("robert")'}, {'condition': 'severity>=INFO', 'action': 'notify("jeff")'}, {'condition': 'severity>=CRITICAL', 'action': 'notify("jason")'}, {'condition': 'severity>=DEBUG', 'action': 'notify("kevin")'}, {'condition': 'severity>=EMERGENCY', 'action': 'notify("richard")'}])

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "notification/rules" "[{\"condition\":\"severity>=NOTICE\",\"action\":\"notify(\\\"joseph\\\")\"},{\"condition\":\"severity>=ALERT\",\"action\":\"notify(\\\"edward\\\")\"},{\"condition\":\"severity>=WARNING\",\"action\":\"notify(\\\"daniel\\\")\"}]"

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See also Rules: Rule

Rules: Rule

Event processing rule

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

conditionRule condition
actionRule action

Sample curl read command (note that :rule_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request deletion command (note that _rule_index is a variable):


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Rule condition

Lua expression to evaluate for events to be matched

The value contains Lua source (has native MIME type text/x-lua).

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command (note that :rule_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library write command (note that _rule_index is a variable):


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Rule action

Lua code to evaluate for matching events

The value contains Lua source (has native MIME type text/x-lua).

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request read command (note that _rule_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"notification/rules/"+_rule_index.toString()+"/action/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample curl read command (note that :rule_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Sink types

Known sink types

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map contains Sink type elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "notification/known_sink_types"


Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Sink type

Type of sink

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

data_itemsSupported data items

Sample curl read command (note that :sink_type is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample CLI write command (note that sink_type is a variable):

uom set "notification/known_sink_types/${sink_type}" "{\"name\":\"SNMP v2c trap\",\"data_items\":{\"trap_oid\":{\"group\":\"msg\",\"name\":\"Default trap OID\",\"regexp\":\"^[012](\\\\.[0-9]{1,}),{1,}$\"},\"server\":{\"group\":\"rcpt\",\"name\":\"Server address\",\"regexp\":\"^[0-9A-Za-z.-]{1,}$\"},\"community\":{\"group\":\"msgkey\",\"name\":\"Community string\",\"regexp\":\"^.*$\"}}}"

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See also Sink type: Name

See also Sink type: Supported data items

Sink type: Name

Sink type name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample requests read command (note that _sink_type is a variable):


'SNMP v3 trap'

Sample JS request read command (note that _sink_type is a variable):

request.get({url:"notification/known_sink_types/"+_sink_type+"/name/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Sink type: Supported data items

Properties of supported data items

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map contains Data item properties elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample CLI read command (note that sink_type is a variable):

uom get "notification/known_sink_types/${sink_type}/data_items"

Sample requests read command (note that _sink_type is a variable):


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Data item properties

Properties of data item

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:

groupData item group
regexpRegular expression

Sample requests write command (note that _sink_type and _data_item_properties are variables):

requests.put(''+_sink_type+'/data_items/'+_data_item_properties+'/',auth=auth,headers=headers,json={'group': 'sndr', 'name': 'Username', 'regexp': '^.*$'})

Sample JS request read command (note that _sink_type and _data_item_properties are variables):

request.get({url:"notification/known_sink_types/"+_sink_type+"/data_items/"+_data_item_properties+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

{"group":"rcpt","name":"Recipient URL","regexp":"^https?://.*$"}

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Data item name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample requests read command (note that _sink_type and _data_item_properties are variables):


'Recipient URL'

Sample curl read command (note that :sink_type and :data_item_properties are URL template arguments):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

"Server address"

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Data item group

The group of data items to which this one belongs

The value is subject to the following constraints: sink data item groups[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample CLI read command (note that sink_type and data_item_properties are variables):

uom get "notification/known_sink_types/${sink_type}/data_items/${data_item_properties}/group"


Sample JS request read command (note that _sink_type and _data_item_properties are variables):

request.get({url:"notification/known_sink_types/"+_sink_type+"/data_items/"+_data_item_properties+"/group/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Regular expression

Regular expression which the data item must match

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample CLI read command (note that sink_type and data_item_properties are variables):

uom get "notification/known_sink_types/${sink_type}/data_items/${data_item_properties}/regexp"


Sample JS request read command (note that _sink_type and _data_item_properties are variables):

request.get({url:"notification/known_sink_types/"+_sink_type+"/data_items/"+_data_item_properties+"/regexp/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Sink data item groups

Properties of groups of sink data items

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map does not support direct modification.

This map can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this map cannot be tracked.

This map contains Sink data item group elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample requests read command:


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See also Sink data item groups: Sink data item group

Sink data item groups: Sink data item group

Properties of a group of sink data items

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This object contains the following items:


Sample JS request read command (note that _sink_data_item_group is a variable):

request.get({url:"notification/sink_data_item_groups/"+_sink_data_item_group+"/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

{"immutable":false,"unreadable":false,"name":"Message key","secret":true}

Sample curl read command (note that :sink_data_item_group is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

{"immutable":false,"unreadable":false,"name":"Message attribute","secret":false}

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Data item group name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This string does not support direct modification.

Sample curl read command (note that :sink_data_item_group is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

"Recipient attribute"

Sample CLI read command (note that sink_data_item_group is a variable):

uom get "notification/sink_data_item_groups/${sink_data_item_group}/name"

"Message key"

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sum (boolean)notification/sink_data_item_groups/S/secret/
Flag indicating whether the data item can contain private information

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueSecretThe data item can contain private information
constant falseNot secretThe data item contains only public information

Sample requests read command (note that _sink_data_item_group is a variable):



Sample uom library read command (note that _sink_data_item_group is a variable):



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sum (boolean)notification/sink_data_item_groups/S/immutable/
Flag indicating whether the data item is not permitted to be changed

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueImmutableThe data item is not permitted to be changed
constant falseNot immutableThe data item can be changed

Sample curl read command (note that :sink_data_item_group is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample requests read command (note that _sink_data_item_group is a variable):



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sum (boolean)notification/sink_data_item_groups/S/unreadable/
Flag indicating whether the data item is not permitted to be read

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueUnreadableThe data item is not permitted to be read
constant falseNot unreadableThe data item can be read

Sample JS request read command (note that _sink_data_item_group is a variable):

request.get({url:"notification/sink_data_item_groups/"+_sink_data_item_group+"/unreadable/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample CLI read command (note that sink_data_item_group is a variable):

uom get "notification/sink_data_item_groups/${sink_data_item_group}/unreadable"


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