DLI DC3 Object Model Reference
SNMP server object
Object representing SNMP server configuration

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This object contains the following items:

enabledAllow SNMP
engine_idEngine ID
oid_subtreesOID subtrees
community_mappingsCommunity mappings
known_auth_methodsKnown authentication methods
known_priv_methodsKnown privacy methods

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample requests write command:


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Allow SNMP

sum (boolean)snmp/enabled/
Enable SNMP server operation

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueEnabledThe feature is enabled
constant falseDisabledThe feature is disabled

Sample JS request write command:


Sample CLI write command:

uom set "snmp/enabled" "false"

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Engine ID

The engine ID, in hexadecimal, to which all user authentication and privacy keys are localized

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI write command:

uom set "snmp/engine_id" "\"6A3C6CCE6034BF\""

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "snmp/engine_id"


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OID subtrees

OID subtrees exposed by SNMP server

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains OID subtree elements.

Sample uom library write command:

uom.snmp.oid_subtrees={energyObject={read_security_level="noauth",root="",title="energyObject MIB (RFC 7460, allows manipulating relays and power-related meters)",write_security_level="noauth"}}

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "snmp/oid_subtrees"

{"energyObject":{"read_security_level":"noauth","root":"","title":"energyObject MIB (RFC 7460, allows manipulating relays and power-related meters)","write_security_level":"noauth"}}

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See also OID subtrees: OID subtree

OID subtrees: OID subtree

Properties of an OID subtree

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

rootRoot mask
read_security_levelRead security level
write_security_levelWrite security level

Sample CLI deletion command (note that oid_subtree is a variable):

uom remove "snmp/oid_subtrees/${oid_subtree}"

Sample uom library write command (note that _oid_subtree is a variable):

uom.snmp.oid_subtrees[_oid_subtree]={read_security_level="noauth",root="",title="energyObject MIB (RFC 7460, allows manipulating relays and power-related meters)",write_security_level="noauth"}

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The title of this subtree

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _oid_subtree is a variable):


'energyObject MIB (RFC 7460, allows manipulating relays and power-related meters)'

Sample JS request read command (note that _oid_subtree is a variable):

request.get({url:"snmp/oid_subtrees/"+_oid_subtree+"/title/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

"energyObject MIB (RFC 7460, allows manipulating relays and power-related meters)"

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Root mask

The root OID mask of this subtree (for all but the first two arcs, '*' can be used for "don't care" parts, and inclusive ranges can be specified like '1,2,4-7')

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^(0|1|(01|2)(.(*|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(-(0|[1-9][0-9]*))?(,(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(-(0|[1-9][0-9]*))?)*))*)$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample uom library read command (note that _oid_subtree is a variable):



Sample curl write command (note that :oid_subtree is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"\"" ""

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Read security level

sum (enumerated string)snmp/oid_subtrees/S/read_security_level/
Required security level for reading from this subtree

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant "deny"ForbiddenNobody can read from this OID subtree
constant "priv"Authenticated and encryptedSNMPv3 authentication and encryption must be used to read from this OID subtree
constant "auth"AuthenticatedSNMPv3 authentication must be used to read from this OID subtree (encryption is optional)
constant "noauth"MinimalAny protocol, including SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, can be used to read from this OID subtree (authentication and encryption are optional)

Sample curl write command (note that :oid_subtree is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"noauth\"" ""

Sample uom library write command (note that _oid_subtree is a variable):


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Write security level

sum (enumerated string)snmp/oid_subtrees/S/write_security_level/
Required security level for writing to this subtree

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant "deny"ForbiddenNobody can write to this OID subtree
constant "priv"Authenticated and encryptedSNMPv3 authentication and encryption must be used to write to this OID subtree
constant "auth"AuthenticatedSNMPv3 authentication must be used to write to this OID subtree (encryption is optional)
constant "noauth"MinimalAny protocol, including SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, can be used to write to this OID subtree (authentication and encryption are optional)

Sample JS request read command (note that _oid_subtree is a variable):

request.get({url:"snmp/oid_subtrees/"+_oid_subtree+"/write_security_level/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


Sample curl read command (note that :oid_subtree is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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SNMP user accounts

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains User elements.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""

Sample JS request write command:


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Properties of an SNMP user

The value is subject to the following constraints: index of the value matches ^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

is_allowedUser allowed
auth_methodAuthentication method
has_auth_passwordAuthentication password configured
auth_passwordAuthentication password
priv_methodPrivacy method
has_priv_passwordPrivacy password configured
priv_passwordPrivacy password
subtree_accessSubtree access levels

Sample curl write command (note that :user is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "{\"priv_password\":\"adminPrivPassword\",\"subtree_access\":{\"energyObject\":false},\"auth_password\":\"adminAuthPassword\",\"is_allowed\":true,\"priv_method\":\"aes\",\"auth_method\":\"sha1\",\"has_priv_password\":true}" ""

Sample requests read command (note that _user is a variable):


{'priv_password': 'adminPrivPassword', 'has_auth_password': False, 'subtree_access': {'energyObject': False}, 'auth_password': 'adminAuthPassword', 'is_allowed': True, 'priv_method': 'aes', 'auth_method': 'md5', 'has_priv_password': True}

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See also User: User allowed

See also User: Authentication method

See also User: Authentication password configured

See also User: Authentication password

See also User: Privacy method

See also User: Privacy password configured

See also User: Privacy password

See also User: Subtree access levels

User: User allowed

sum (boolean)snmp/users/S/is_allowed/
Flag indicating whether user is allowed or denied

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueAllowedThe user is allowed to log in
constant falseDeniedThe user is denied login

Sample curl write command (note that :user is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "true" ""

Sample JS request read command (note that _user is a variable):

request.get({url:"snmp/users/"+_user+"/is_allowed/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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User: Authentication method

User authentication method

The value is subject to the following constraints: known authentication methods[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl write command (note that :user is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"md5\"" ""

Sample requests write command (note that _user is a variable):


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User: Authentication password configured

sum (boolean)snmp/users/S/has_auth_password/
Flag indicating if the authentication password has been configured for the user (cleared if engine ID or authentication method changes)

The value is unconditionally set to authentication password is not equal to "" on creation and doesn't have to be supplied (if it is, it must match)

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this sum cannot be tracked.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueConfiguredThe authentication password has been configured
constant falseNot configuredThe authentication password hasn't been configured, the user won't be able to log in

Sample requests read command (note that _user is a variable):



Sample CLI read command (note that user is a variable):

uom get "snmp/users/${user}/has_auth_password"


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User: Authentication password

User authentication password (cannot be read as it is stored localized to the engine ID), empty if not set

The value is subject to the following constraints: any of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Using the string as a field for indexing into the grandparent collection is denied

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

This string should be displayed in a secure manner.

Representation of the resource cannot be obtained. Attempts to do so via a JSON API will succeed but return '{"$ref":""}' which means "the value of this resource".

Sample CLI write command (note that user is a variable):

uom set "snmp/users/${user}/auth_password" "\"readerAuthPassword\""

Sample curl write command (note that :user is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"adminAuthPassword\"" ""

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User: Privacy method

User privacy method

The value is subject to the following constraints: known privacy methods[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample JS request write command (note that _user is a variable):


Sample uom library write command (note that _user is a variable):


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User: Privacy password configured

sum (boolean)snmp/users/S/has_priv_password/
Flag indicating if the privacy password has been configured for the user (cleared if engine ID or authentication or privacy method changes)

The value is unconditionally set to privacy password is not equal to "" on creation and doesn't have to be supplied (if it is, it must match)

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This sum does not support direct modification.

This sum can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

Changes to this sum cannot be tracked.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueConfiguredThe privacy password has been configured
constant falseNot configuredThe privacy password hasn't been configured, the user won't be able to log in

Sample curl read command (note that :user is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample requests read command (note that _user is a variable):



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User: Privacy password

User privacy password (cannot be read as it is stored localized to the engine ID), empty if not set

The value is subject to the following constraints: any of the following is true:

Retrieving the value is denied

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

Using the string as a field for indexing into the grandparent collection is denied

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

This string can change as if by itself or indirectly because of other actions.

This string should be displayed in a secure manner.

Representation of the resource cannot be obtained. Attempts to do so via a JSON API will succeed but return '{"$ref":""}' which means "the value of this resource".

Sample requests write command (note that _user is a variable):


Sample JS request write command (note that _user is a variable):


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User: Subtree access levels

OID subtree access levels

This map is composite, i.e. is modified as a whole.

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Subtree access elements.

Sample CLI read command (note that user is a variable):

uom get "snmp/users/${user}/subtree_access"


Sample requests read command (note that _user is a variable):


{'energyObject': True}

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Subtree access

sum (optional variant)snmp/users/S/subtree_access/S/
OID subtree access level

The value is subject to the following constraints: OID subtrees[index of the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This sum is a part of a composite value which is modified as a whole.

This sum represents a value in persistent storage.

This sum can assume the following values:

constant trueFullOIDs can be read and written by the user
constant "readonly"Read-onlyOIDs can only be read, not written, by the user
constant falseNoneOIDs can neither be read nor written by the user
constant nullDefaultNo access rule present (permissions are determined by parent OID access levels, or denied)

Sample requests read command (note that _user and _subtree_access are variables):



Sample requests deletion command (note that _user and _subtree_access are variables):


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Community mappings

Mappings of SNMP v1/v2c communities to user names

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This array represents a value in persistent storage.

This array contains Community mapping elements.

Sample uom library write command:


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"snmp/community_mappings/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});

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See also Community mappings: Community mapping

Community mappings: Community mapping

Properties of a community mapping

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This object represents a value in persistent storage.

This object contains the following items:

ip_addressIP address
netmaskNetwork mask

Sample JS request deletion command (note that _community_mapping_index is a variable):


Sample uom library read command (note that _community_mapping_index is a variable):



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The community identifier

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample CLI write command (note that community_mapping_index is a variable):

uom set "snmp/community_mappings/${community_mapping_index}/community" "\"Xn0RehbHT\""

Sample JS request write command (note that _community_mapping_index is a variable):


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The user identifier

The value is subject to the following constraints: users[the value]

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests write command (note that _community_mapping_index is a variable):


Sample CLI read command (note that community_mapping_index is a variable):

uom get "snmp/community_mappings/${community_mapping_index}/user"


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IP address

IP address allowed to connect

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl write command (note that :community_mapping_index is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "X-CSRF: x" -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary "\"\"" ""

Sample JS request read command (note that _community_mapping_index is a variable):

request.get({url:"snmp/community_mappings/"+_community_mapping_index.toString()+"/ip_address/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Network mask

Network mask allowed to connect

The value is subject to the following constraints: the value matches ^((2(5[42]|4[80]|24)|192|128|0).0.0.0|255.(2(5[42]|4[80]|24)|192|128|0).0.0|255.255.(2(5[42]|4[80]|24)|192|128|0).0|255.255.255.(2(5[542]|4[80]|24)|192|128|0))$

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

Changing the value is denied if any of the following is true:

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample requests read command (note that _community_mapping_index is a variable):



Sample uom library read command (note that _community_mapping_index is a variable):



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Known authentication methods

Map of known authentication methods

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map does not support direct modification.

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Authentication method elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample CLI read command:

uom get "snmp/known_auth_methods"


Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


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Authentication method

Authentication method name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command (note that :authentication_method is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library read command (note that _authentication_method is a variable):



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Known privacy methods

Map of known privacy methods

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This map does not support direct modification.

This map represents a value in persistent storage.

This map contains Privacy method elements.

Creating elements in this collection is not supported.

Sample curl read command:

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample JS request read command:

request.get({url:"snmp/known_priv_methods/"},function(error,response,body) {console.log(body)});


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Privacy method

Privacy method name

Retrieving the value is denied if not administrative user

This string does not support direct modification.

This string represents a value in persistent storage.

Sample curl read command (note that :privacy_method is a URL template argument):

curl --digest -u admin:1234 -H "Accept: application/json" ""


Sample uom library read command (note that _privacy_method is a variable):



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